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AUR package?

I second this.  Looks like a cool program


A very well rounded engine and possible one of the best for those learning game dev. I very much suggest this to those who are looking into making games and don't know what engine to start in. With many languages supported, this engine surpasses already a few industry 2d engines and it being web based means that anyone with the passion can create anywhere without much hassle. I'll definitely be using it to help me learn 2d game development as my dream engine for 2d is Gamemaker Studio 2, and being able to program in JS here will make that even easier as GML2 is similar to JS in many ways.

No pierdan tiempo en usar motores de 3ro con errores, es hora que hagan como la vieja escuela cuando el primer mario bros y doom a punta de codigo c++ codeblock y visual studio aprendiendo a programar usando chat gpt you  y viendo los video de oscarin valdes en youtube de como hacer juegos nes y correrlo en emulador en su formato .rom.

1: Tambien soy de Venezuela

2: El ChatGPT No Me Funciona :(

(1 edit)

visita esto dos chat gpt normal y Copilot chatgpt4 de , que son gratis y funciona desde el navegador web sin peo.

Probably the best game engine for pixel art and small games. I absolutely love it. Plus, microScript is easy to learn and it's well documented. I hope the other export options will come soon for the standalone version. Also a way to connect with your account in the standalone version would be pretty handy.
Made my first public project with it and a couple more to come =)

Using it on Linux btw =)

Interesting. I will definitely try this out.

Hi, this engine is very impressive, as the program itself seems support English currently(with builtin fonts), how to ad support for Unicode(Chinese/Japanese etc)? I think it need a unicode font to deal with this, like ARK( or Fusion(, please take a look.

Thank you for the links, this is very interesting! I would appreciate if you could help me picking the correct files and versions to include in microStudio :-) Could you contact me on Discord? You will find me easily on the official microStudio Discord.

I recommend Fusion as its a combined solution with more glyphs included, I am a Love2D user and is looking into microStudio trying to understand it.

BTW, I can make Traditional and Simplified Chinese Translation if possible, should be something fun.

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Can I create somewhat anything?

Appimage? Not everyone uses linux distributions of the Debian or RedHat family, and for this reason it would be nice to make a version in the appimage format

Will there be an APK/mobile version in the future?

No APK planned, but note that the online version works as a PWA, so you can just install it as an application on your home screen (visit and in the three dots menu select "install application").


Why haven't I discovered you earlier!!



(1 edit)

I need Arabic language.

Deleted 347 days ago

good game engine

i wish it had python for scripting


You missed the 3rd bullet above; you can switch to Python or Lua. 


  • a code editor to program in microScript, Python, JavaScript or Lua



What is the scope of this engine? For example, let's say I want to make a full length 2d life sim/RPG. Would I eventually run into problems with the upper limits of the engine or can it handle it?

May I find out which programming language and which libraries do this with?

Do you plan a Spanish translation? I love this game engine !!! 

Any visual scripting?


No C sharp ?


I have not had this much fun with game development in a long time!


This game engine is fire! Would recommend checking it out. :)


That's really good but i need a visual scripting or advanced tutorial in french .

Also that's very good.

(i'm french sorry for my bad english :(     )

Hi, there are a bunch of interactive tutorials (in French) in the Tutorials section of microStudio. Also may I suggest you to join the French Discord: ; I am French too by the way, see you there!!



will there be a visual scripting option in future updates?


Visual scripting is not planned for the core microStudio app.

I would mention though that microStudio now has a plug-in system, which would make it possible for anyone to create visual scripting tools for it! This is on my list of possible plug-ins I would like to create one day, but there is no guarantee I will actually do it. Maybe someone else will make it before I do :-)


We need Chinese!!!


Thanks to the help from the community, microStudio is available in 7 languages :-) We will be happy to add Chinese when someone volunteers to work on it!

I've never seen such a good engine

It can be compared with gamemaker!!!

It's even better than gamemaker!!!

i love this engine, but i would like to get all the features into my desktop. looks that the downloable app doesnt have all the features that the web software has, and i would love to have them in my desktop, please peek that.


The desktop version was designed to work 100% offline. It has all the features of the online version, except these two, that can only work online, but you will see there are easy workarounds anyway:

  • Builders for Windows / Mac  / Linux / Android can only work online. Workaround: when you are ready to build, export your project, import it in the online version (can be on a simple guest account), and build it. Another way to do it is to export your game to HTML5 and then use Electron or Cordova to build it on your own machine.
  • Community Plug-ins and Libraries are not visible in the standalone app. Workaround: you can browse public libraries and plugins in the online version and if you need one, just export it and then import it in your standalone app. You can now use it in all your projects.

i see. thanks a lot ;D

Looks awesome. Wont work on linux 32 bit?

It seems it wouldn't be easy to make or provide a 32 bit build :-/ However, you can use microStudio from your web browser on ; or if you really need to work offline / locally, you can follow the instructions here to install and run microStudio on your system:

cool. Il look into it. Thanks!

I tried on my Raspi 400 with bullseye arm64, unfortunately microstudio doesn't start. The error is error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory.

Linking the library in /usr/lib/microstudio says wrong ELF class.

Maybe there is a way to compile this software to arm64?

Hi! I guess this is because I am building the app on a Pi OS 32. You might want to try my recipe for building a microStudio standalone app on your setup:

Let me know how it went!

Thank you for your help. I have no idea, what I have done, but it works! \o/

After struggling with npm and yarn, I finally made it.

I even made a deb-Package for an installation on arm64 and it worked!

I am glad it worked! I will try to set-up a Pi OS 64 sometime here too, so that I can provide the 64bits package too.

(1 edit)

Is there any way to have projects synced across devices? I use Syncthing and sync that way.  

Also, is the 50mb limitation on just the web version or the locally installed version too?

Really loving the project so far, donated.


Project sync is best achieved with the online version, but if you prefer to use the standalone, I guess Syncthing is a great option too! If you are looking for the correct folders to synchronize, you will find answers here:

The 50 mb limitation is only for the online service, the standalone does not have such limitations.

Note that you can also get more storage on the online service by subscribing to my Patreon: :-)

Brilliant, thank you very much


I can't suggest enough to everyone try this all in one game development platform. 


I've been using Unity  for 4 years then moved to Godot, but now I am checking this engine and it's so so so user friendly and very beginner friendly and easy to use, kust wonderful 


This is so cool! So well put together and I absolutely love you can use Lua. I've been looking for an engine exactly like this, I can't wait until I can work on this. The icing on the cake is it's available for the Raspberry Pi!


(Doin the tutorials righ now)

Liked a lot the engine! Its language resembles python, so a person who has had expiriences with .py will easaly adapt to the program. The engine has a really smooth flow when it comes to the design. Hoping to see more from you guys in the future! 


do i need to know how to program?


microStudio is a code-centric game engine, thus you will do programming in it. But fear not, it includes a rich documentation and many interactive tutorials to get you started in no time!

It looks like very promising. I have a question about setting resolution. Let's say I would like to force constant value (e.g. 256x144). How can I do that?

(2 edits) (+5)

microStudio uses the full resolution available on the user's screen. If you want to make your game look 256x144, you will just have to scale your sprites accordingly. The coordinate system automatically sets the total view height to 200 "units" when in landscape mode, thus here is how you could draw an 8x8 sprite:

screen.drawSprite( "my8x8sprite", x, y , 8/144*200 )

Oh and I almost forgot, you could also just scale the screen once and then use your own coordinates system all along:

screen.setScale( 200/144, 200/144 )

// you can then use

screen.drawSprite( "my8x8sprite", x, y , 8, 8 )

As 256x144 is a 16:9 ratio, you may also want to select "force ratio: 16:9" in your project settings.


Good. I have already thought I won't receive any answer. Thanks.

can i sell my games made using this tool?


Of course you can, without any restriction or requirement. microStudio is free and open source (MIT license).


really awesome, well done.

Hiya it seems nice but can you please add some transparent colour in the sprite editor if its possible? thank you! Looks very nice.. also i dont mind there being links from your gameengine to your website but as it is now its a bit annoying when you click here there you get there anyway xD 

(2 edits) (+2)

The pencil tool, fill bucket tool and eraser tool all have an opacity setting which you can use to add some transparency to your colors. The engine works fully offline, but it also does include a few links to features that can only exist online, such as the Community (user forum) and the Explore section (view projects published by other users).

Thank you! I must not have realized I started doing some sprite you see and then I was like ooh I have to have it as block somehow

Looks good, I'll try it ~





This fun to use engine is constantly evolving and growing. Love it, can’t wait to see what the future brings :)


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