microStudio 24.01.29

This new release brings all recent updates to the standalone / offline app: especially new drawing functions, support for multiple versions of Babylon, Pixi and Matter.js, support for new asset types and formats and bug fixes. Here is the full list of changes:

Update 2024-01-29

  • Assets (sounds, music, other assets) max size is now 30 Mb
  • Added support for Ogg and FLAC encoded files in the sounds tab and music tab
    (Both formats solve the looping problems we have with mp3 ; be aware that Ogg is not supported
    on Safari and iOS)

Update 2023-12-05

  • Project export now includes date and time in file name (thx HomineLudens!)

Update 2023-11-20

  • Text assets (TXT, CSV, OBJ, JSON, MD) can be edited in microStudio
  • Support for markdown (.MD) asset files
  • Added types Example and Template to create project dialog box
  • Fixed Python not working since last update (incompatibility with Brython 3.12.0 to be investigated later)
  • Removed old documentation files from the project

Update 2023-11-13

Update 2023-09-25

  • added missing keyword "global" to syntax highlighter (contributed by @HomineLudens :-) )
  • added drawing functions, thanks a lot to @tinkersmith for providing the initial experiment
    • screen.drawArc()
    • screen.fillArc()
    • screen.drawQuadCurve()
    • screen.drawBezierCurve()
      (functions work on the Image class as well)

Update 2023-07-04

  • You can now choose Babylon.js versions 4, 5 or 6
  • You can now choose Pixi.js versions 6 or 7
  • You can now choose Matter.js versions 0.17, 0.18 or 0.19
  • Fixed time machine

Update 2023-06-13

  • Fixed race condition bug when launching tutorials
  • Fixed confirm dialog not showing when deleting a file with project in fullscreen mode
  • Fixed problems caused by text selection being enabled in fullscreen mode


microstudio-24.01.29-linux.deb 109 MB
Jan 29, 2024
microstudio-24.01.29-windows.zip 155 MB
Jan 29, 2024
microstudio-24.01.29-raspberrypi.deb 94 MB
Jan 29, 2024
microStudio-24.01.29-macos.zip 148 MB
Jan 29, 2024
microstudio-24.01.29-linux.rpm 123 MB
Jan 29, 2024

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